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Welcome to Kensaku's personal webpage!

Thank you for visiting my personal webpage.

Here, I will introduce my profile and research outcomes.

Who is Kensaku?

I earned a Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo (Chemical System Engineering), did postdoctoral research at Ghent University, and am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at Purdue University.


Process Systems Engineering × Pharmaceutical Science × Powder Engineering

I am working on the process development of solid drug products, which are major dosage forms such as tablets and capsules.

I aim to design appropriate manufacturing processes for solid drug products, based on "pharmaceutical science" such as material properties and quality management, using skills in "powder engineering" such as heterogeneity, and from the perspective of "process systems engineering" such as process synthesis and assessment.

The following are examples of my research topics:

  • Comparison between batch and continuous manufacturing in tablet manufacturing
  • Process synthesis in solid drug product manufacturing
  • Development of economic assessment tools in solid drug product manufacturing processes
  • Experimental investigation of a tablet manufacturing process including wet granulation

Currently, I mainly focus on process model development using population balance models (PBMs).

For more details, please check my profile and publication pages.

Related web pages


Other activities

Support decision-making and SMEs in the COVID-19 pandemic

This project was conducted in FY2020. Details are available from here.

Career support for PhD students

I would like to support careers for current and prospective PhD students.

So far, I have made a presentation in the workshop organized by UTokyo Lighthouse.

Where can you see me or my research?

You can see my presentation or recent my research progress by visiting the following events. (The following lists include presentations that will be done by other members.)

2024 AIChE Annual Meeting

27–31 October 2024, San Diego Convention Center/Hilton San Diego Bayfront, San Diego, USA.

"Integration of Mechanistic and Data-Driven Modeling for Advanced Manufacturing Process Design: Focus on Powder-Based Pharmaceutical Manufacturing"

(Poster) Kensaku Matsunami

"Development of Robust Design Space for Integrated Pharmaceutical Processes through Uncertainty Analysis"

(Oral) Kensaku Matsunami, Zoltan K. Nagy

"In-Depth Understanding of the Impact of Material Properties on the Performance of Jet Milling of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients"

(Oral) Kensaku Matsunami, Viktor Bultereys, Laure Descamps, Ashish Kumar

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